Friday, September 26, 2008

Day at the Park...

One day last week Chloe woke up from her nap in a particularly grumpy mood. I had a feeling that feeding her lunch was going to be challenging so I decided a change of scenery would do us both some good. So, I packed up the stroller and we headed off to Columbia Park, which is conveniently located a mere two blocks away. Although she put up quite a fight getting into the stroller, once we left the house and the wheels started rolling her mood changed quickly.
Chloe seems to be fascinated with trees and birds these days. It was actually a little difficult feeding her because she was constantly looking up at the tall trees around her. Every little sound or child passing by caught her attention, and she waved to almost every person that walked by. It was a bit chilly out, especially since we were in the shade the entire time, but I welcomed the opportunity to bust out some of her warmer Fall clothing.

We had a lovely afternoon at the park. It's days like these that remind me how lucky I am to get to be home with her. Here are some pictures I took to try and capture the mood.

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