Monday, May 26, 2008

Baby's first haircut...

For the record, our intention was to give her a trim. However, Chloe has turned into quite the wiggle worm these days.

Oh, well... it will grow back eventually:(

Cute Pics...

Here are some of my favorite recent pictures of Chloe. Looking back at all of her pictures just amazes me at how fast she is growing.

I just love Chloe in this purple dress. The cotton is so soft and she loves having bare legs so she can play with her feet.

I took this picture while Evan was away on his recent trip to China. I was holding Chloe on my knees with my left hand, and holding the camera in my right hand.

What a cute picture of baby and daddy... my two favorite people in the world!!!

Jameson Park

Evan and I took Chloe to Jameson park a few weekends back to test out our new "waterproof" picnic blanket. While I've received many compliments on the pattern and size of the blanket, it is not waterproof, or even mud proof for that matter. Nevertheless, we had a great time relaxing on our blanket watching all the kiddos running around in the fountain. We took Chloe's socks off to let her feel the gentle breeze on her feet. She was one happy baby!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Baby Loves Sweet Potatoes!!!

We decided to start Chloe on solids the day after my last day of work. We started off with a week of rice cereal, and then added some sweet potatoes. Chloe loves those sweet potatoes! I went out and purchased a food processor to make all of her baby food. After a fun morning of cooking, I now have a month's supply of frozen banana and sweet potato puree. I simply take a frozen cube out each night and put it in the refrigerator, and the next morning all I have to do is pop it in the microwave for 15 seconds.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Day 2

We're now 2 days into Evan's 2 week trip to China. Let me tell ya... I am exhausted. Not only do I have "night, night" and "goodmorning" Chloe duty, I am also trying to cram for the next section of the CPA exam, which I'll be taking next Monday. The days are passing so quickly! Chloe has been sleeping, napping, and eating like a pro these days. We've been feeding her solids for a little over a week now. She started with rice cereal, then sweet potatoes, and now we're up to bananas. I have started making delicious, organic, homemade baby food for her using my handy new food processor. How do I know it's delicious you ask? I've tried it, of course! It's amazing how easy it is to make baby food.

What's new at 5 months?

  • Chloe is now rolling like crazy. We put her on her blanket, walk away for two seconds, and next thing you know she's across the room.
  • She's very much into her feet these days. Kiss her feet and watch her giggle.
  • She can now reach her bottom with her hands, which makes for very interesting diaper changes.
  • She's eating sweet potatoes and babanas (in her high-chair like a big girl). I think we'll try avacado tomorrow.
  • She loves to stand, with assistance of course, but hasn't figured out the joy of sitting. Every time I try to get her to sit she pushing of the ground with her feet to a standing position. And if you don't help her stand, she'll definitely let you know how she feels about it.
  • She has a new babysitter, Helen, who comes to the house a few afternoons a week so Mama can study. Today was her third day with Helen and she is definitely warming up to her. I think she is going to be a great babysitter, and hopefully Evan and I will get a date night soon!

That's all for now. I'll try to get some pics up soon.