Sunday, March 30, 2008

You did what???

Yes, I gave notice at work this past week. Late this past Monday night as Evan and I were changing Chloe and getting ready to give her her goodnight bottle, we were feeling so unsure of our decision to put her in daycare. So, we decided to ask Chloe what she preferred. As she layed there on her changing table peering up at us, we asked her "Chloe...tell us if you want to go to daycare or if you want Mommy to stay home and take care of you." And sure enough, she gave us the biggest, most beautiful smile, along with the sweetest girgle. It couldn't have been any clearer. So, after discussing all the pros and cons and checking, and re-checking my ridiculous masterpiece of a budget, Evan and I made the decision that it will be best for us all for me to take some time off from "working" to raise our daughter. Who would have ever thought that I would be a SAHM? Certainly not me. I will be working 3 days a week through the end of April, but after that we'll be painting the town red! Portland, here we come!!!

Another added benefit... since we'll only be able to afford to eat every third day those last 10 pregnancy pounds will probably come off a lot quicker!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Look at me, I'm sitting!!!

The first time we put her in the Bumbo chair she was not having it. But as they say, try, try again. Now she loves it!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Baby's first reading...

Goodnight Moon, read by Chloe's Grandma Terri.

Baby's first road trip...

We packed up the car and drove up to Seattle on the weekend of February 16th to visit my Grandmother, who lives on Bainbridge Island. The drive up was quite uneventful, and aside from one stop to give Chloe her bottle, she pretty much slept the entire way. Hallelujah!!!

We stayed the night at my Grandmother's house, and then stopped by to see some of our other relatives at my Aunt Diane's house on the way back home. All in all, it was a great first trip.

Four generations...

Daddy and baby enjoying the beautiful sun...

Uncle Bob trying to convince Chloe to become a Republican. Chloe's response...Noooooooo!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Chloe's first day at daycare

Today was Chloe's first day at daycare (exhale). Evan doesn't have to go back to work until Monday, but we decided to do a trial run to see if we'd hit any snags that we could correct before the big, big day. Our day went a little something like this...

Our little pumpkin woke up in a great mood this morning. Daddy gave her the first bottle of the day at 7am while Mommy picked out an extra special outfit. We carefully put her diaper bag together making sure to include all of the required items on the list we were given. By the looks of it, you would have thought we were packing for a week long vacation to the Himalayas.

Fast forward to the drop-off. As Chloe and I enter the infant room, I wasn't sure exactly what I was supposed to do so I proceeded to unpack her bag and set her up for playtime. I chatted a bit with the teacher and filled her in on all Chloe's (mommy's) preferences. It was a good thing that I did because later that morning they almost put her down for a nap with her floor blanket, rather than her crib blanket (but not to be confused with her car seat blanket). Good thing Mommy was there to save the day. I stayed for about 30 minutes and then decided it was ok to head off to work. When Evan and I arrived at the center 2 hours later to pick her up she was peacefully sleeping in her new crib.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Swing, swing, swing!!!

Chloe's great Grandma Shirk and Aunt Diane bought Chloe the cadillac of all swings. Who knew a swing could solve all of the world's problems.